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About FOSSMeet

Over the past sixteen years, FOSSMeet has been nurturing the vision to create a culture of innovation, evolution and open standards to support the FOSS community, open education, and the FOSS ideology. FOSSMeet has always attracted the brightest delegates from various institutes in India and some of the finest promoters of FOSS. The event has a glorious history of successful editions, with speakers from all over the world and the country, making the event a roaring success!

Past Editions

Started in 2005 as FLOSS (Free/Libre Open Source Software) Meet, FOSSMeet will now be back for its 17th edition. FOSSMeet has always attracted the brightest delegates from various institutes in India and some of the finest promoters of FOSS. Recent FOSSMeets have been no exception to the glorious history of successful editions! The event had talks and discussions by Mr. Saptak Sengupta, Mrs. Bhuvana Meenakshi, and other FOSS enthusiasts who opened conversations on WebXR reality mixed experiences, SSL certificate generation, Cross Browser extensions, and so much more. Mr. Marco Fioretti and Dr. Bradley Kuhn also delivered speeches via video conference. The Open-Source Search engine workshop and the Kotlin workshop were also a great success with the delegates.

Why Sponsor FOSSMeet

With a vision to cultivate a culture of Innovation, evolution, and open standards, FOSSMeet witnesses a conglomeration of professionals, students, and rookie developers alike. The event consists of a medley of workshops, talks, and hackathons under renowned FOSS communities and eminent speakers. In recent years, the event has borne witness to the likes of DR. Bradley Kuhn(Founder of Software Freedom Conservancy), Mr. Marco Fioretti (Activist of Free Software and Open Digital Standards), and Dr.Sasi Kumar (Director, Free Software Foundation). In the same manner, FOSSMeet 2024 hopes to garner yet another enthusiastic crowd to discuss, develop, and grow with Open Source.

Previous Sponsors


 Mohammed Ameen
 FOSSCell Treasurer 
 00 91 75588 14254
 Afraz Ahmed
 Marketing Head 
 00 91 98475 12462
 Afthab E K
FOSSCell Secretary
 00 91 94004 30812
 Juby Johnson
 CSEA Secretary 
 00 91 63643 49393